Source code for infresnel.infresnel

import sys
import time
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pygmt
import xarray as xr
from pyproj import Transformer
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from import tqdm

from ._georeference import (
from ._path import (

[docs]def calculate_paths( src_lat, src_lon, rec_lat, rec_lon, dem_file=None, full_output=False ): """Calculate elevation profiles, direct paths, and shortest diffracted paths. Paths are calculated for a given DEM (either a user-supplied `dem_file` or automatically downloaded 1 arc-second SRTM data) and an arbitrary number of source-receiver pairs. By default, the function returns only the path length differences. If `full_output` is set to `True`, then the complete path information (lengths, coordinates, etc.) and the DEM used are returned. Note: Input coordinates are expected to be in the WGS 84 datum. DEM file vertical units are expected to be meters. Args: src_lat (int or float): Source latitude src_lon (int or float): Source longitude rec_lat (int, float, list, tuple, or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`): One or more receiver latitudes rec_lon (int, float, list, tuple, or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`): One or more receiver longitudes dem_file (str or None): Path to DEM file (if `None`, then SRTM data are used) full_output (bool): Toggle outputting full profile/path information and DEM, vs. just the path length differences Returns: If `full_output` is `False` — an :class:`~numpy.ndarray` of path length differences [m], one per source-receiver pair If `full_output` is `True` — a tuple of the form ``(ds_list, dem)`` where ``ds_list`` is a list of :class:`~xarray.Dataset` objects, one per source-receiver pair, containing full profile and path information, and ``dem`` is a :class:`~xarray.DataArray` containing the UTM-projected DEM used to compute the profiles """ # Type checks message = 'src_lat and src_lon must both be scalars!' assert np.isscalar(src_lat) and np.isscalar(src_lon), message # Type conversion, so we can iterate rec_lats = np.atleast_1d(rec_lat) rec_lons = np.atleast_1d(rec_lon) print('Loading and projecting DEM...') if dem_file is not None: # Load user-provided DEM, first checking if it exists dem_file = Path(str(dem_file)).expanduser().resolve() assert dem_file.is_file(), 'dem_file does not exist!' dem = xr.open_dataarray(dem_file) # User-provided DEM may not fully encompass source and receivers! sufficient_extent_guaranteed = False else: # Get SRTM data using PyGMT, computing region (buffered by 5% in each direction) # based on provided source-receiver geometry (have to manually write the CRS for # these files) xmin = np.min([src_lon, rec_lons.min()]) xmax = np.max([src_lon, rec_lons.max()]) ymin = np.min([src_lat, rec_lats.min()]) ymax = np.max([src_lat, rec_lats.max()]) x_buffer = (xmax - xmin) * 0.05 y_buffer = (ymax - ymin) * 0.05 region = [xmin - x_buffer, xmax + x_buffer, ymin - y_buffer, ymax + y_buffer] with pygmt.config(GMT_VERBOSE='e'): # Suppress warnings dem = pygmt.datasets.load_earth_relief( resolution='01s', region=region, use_srtm=True ), inplace=True) # PyGMT fills the "nodata" area with zeros, which is same as water. So we # convert these areas to NaN here. See # for discussion # of the data bounds of the SRTM data. dem = dem.where(( < 60) & ( > -56)), inplace=True) # We know that this DEM fully encompasses source and receivers (by design)! sufficient_extent_guaranteed = True # Clean DEM before going further dem = dem.squeeze(drop=True).rename('elevation') # Project DEM to UTM, further relabeling utm_crs = _estimate_utm_crs(src_lat, src_lon, datum_name='WGS 84') dem_utm =, resampling=Resampling.cubic_spline) units = dict(units='m') dem_utm.attrs = units for coordinate in 'x', 'y': dem_utm[coordinate].attrs = units print('Done\n') # Evaluate presence of NaN values in DEM; determine if we need to run "costly check" if dem.isnull().all(): raise ValueError('DEM is entirely NaN values! Exiting.') elif dem.isnull().any(): warnings.warn( f'{dem.isnull().values.sum() / dem.size:.1%} of DEM is NaN!', stacklevel=2 ) sys.stderr.flush() check_for_valid_elevations = True # Since we have NaNs in DEM, we should check else: # DEM values are all valid # Even if the DEM is fully valid, for user-supplied DEMs the extent might not # cover all sources and receivers, so in that case we still should check check_for_valid_elevations = not sufficient_extent_guaranteed # Determine target spacing of interpolated profiles from DEM spacing - decreasing # the spacing makes things slower! TODO: Is oversampling actually needed w/ spline interpolation? mean_resolution = np.abs( target_spacing = mean_resolution / 2 # [m] Oversample to avoid aliasing print( f'DEM spacing = {mean_resolution:.2f} m -> profile spacing = {target_spacing:.2f} m\n' ) # Get UTM coords for source and receivers proj = Transformer.from_crs(utm_crs.geodetic_crs, utm_crs) src_x, src_y = proj.transform(src_lat, src_lon) rec_xs, rec_ys = proj.transform(rec_lats, rec_lons) # Check that source and receiver(s) all have valid elevation values in DEM (this is # the "costly check" mentioned above). Mainly relevant for user-supplied DEMs... but # also must be run if the PyGMT-supplied DEM is not fully within SRTM range (kind of # unlikely edge case). For most PyGMT-supplied DEMs, this check will not end up # being run — which is good, since it can be SLOW. compute_paths = np.ones(rec_xs.size).astype(bool) # By default, compute all paths if check_for_valid_elevations: print('Checking that DEM contains source and receivers...') if not _check_valid_elevation_for_coords( dem_utm, mean_resolution, src_x, src_y ): raise ValueError('Source is not in DEM! Exiting.') for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(rec_xs, rec_ys)): if not _check_valid_elevation_for_coords(dem_utm, mean_resolution, x, y): compute_paths[i] = False # Don't compute this path n_invalid_paths = (~compute_paths).sum() if n_invalid_paths > 0: print( f'Done — will skip {n_invalid_paths} invalid path{"" if n_invalid_paths == 1 else "s"}\n' ) else: print('Done\n') # Fit bivariate spline to DEM (slow for very high resolution DEMs!) print('Fitting spline to DEM...') x = dem_utm.x y = dem_utm.y z = dem_utm.fillna(dem_utm.median()) # Can't have NaNs in z if not pd.Series(x).is_monotonic_increasing: x = x[::-1] z = np.fliplr(z) if not pd.Series(y).is_monotonic_increasing: y = y[::-1] z = np.flipud(z) spline = RectBivariateSpline(x=x, y=y, z=z.T) # x and y are monotonic increasing print('Done\n') # Iterate over all receivers (= source-receiver pairs), calculating paths ds_list = [] n_valid_paths = compute_paths.sum() print(f'Computing {n_valid_paths} path{"" if n_valid_paths == 1 else "s"}...') if n_valid_paths > 1: # Only creating the progress bar if we have more than 1 path bar = tqdm( total=n_valid_paths, bar_format='{percentage:3.0f}% |{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} paths ', ) for rec_x, rec_y, compute_path in zip(rec_xs, rec_ys, compute_paths): # If the DEM points were valid, compute the path if compute_path: # Determine # of points in profile dist = _norm(src_x - rec_x, src_y - rec_y) n = max(int(np.ceil(dist / target_spacing)), 2) # Ensure at least 2 points! # Make profile by evaluating spline xvec = np.linspace(src_x, rec_x, n) yvec = np.linspace(src_y, rec_y, n) profile = xr.DataArray( spline.ev(xvec, yvec), dims='distance', coords=dict(x=('distance', xvec, units), y=('distance', yvec, units)), attrs=units, ) profile = profile.assign_coords( distance=_horizontal_distance(profile.x.values, profile.y.values) ) profile.distance.attrs = units # Compute DIRECT path direct_path = _direct_path(profile.distance.values, profile.values) direct_path_len = _path_length(profile.distance.values, direct_path) # Compute SHORTEST DIFFRACTED path diff_path = _shortest_diffracted_path( profile.distance.values, profile.values ) diff_path_len = _path_length(profile.distance.values, diff_path) # Just populate everything with NaNs else: profile = direct_path = diff_path = [np.nan] direct_path_len = diff_path_len = np.nan # Make nice Dataset of all info ds = xr.Dataset( { 'elevation': profile, 'direct_path': ( 'distance', direct_path, dict(length=direct_path_len, **units), ), 'diffracted_path': ( 'distance', diff_path, dict(length=diff_path_len, **units), ), }, attrs=dict(path_length_difference=diff_path_len - direct_path_len, **units), ), inplace=True) ds_list.append(ds) if n_valid_paths > 1 and compute_path: bar.update() bar.close() print('Done') # Determine what to output if full_output: return ds_list, dem_utm else: return np.array([ds.path_length_difference for ds in ds_list])
[docs]def calculate_paths_grid( src_lat, src_lon, x_radius, y_radius, spacing, dem_file=None, output_file=None ): """Calculate paths for a UTM-projected grid surrounding a source location. Wrapper around :func:`calculate_paths` for computing path difference grids. See the docstring for that function for a description of how DEM data are handled. Note: Input coordinates are expected to be in the WGS 84 datum. DEM file vertical units are expected to be meters. Args: src_lat (int or float): Source latitude src_lon (int or float): Source longitude x_radius (int, float, list, or tuple): [m] Desired grid radius in :math:`x`-direction, measured from source location (specify a two-element array for different west and east extents) y_radius (int, float, list, or tuple): [m] Desired grid radius in :math:`y`-direction, measured from source location (specify a two-element array for different south and north extents) spacing (int or float): [m] Desired grid spacing dem_file (str or None): Path to DEM file (if `None`, then SRTM data are used) output_file (str or None): If a string filepath is provided, then an RGB GeoTIFF file containing the colormapped grid of path length difference values is exported to this filepath (no export if `None`) Returns: tuple: Tuple of the form ``(path_length_differences, dem)`` where ``path_length_differences`` is a :class:`~xarray.DataArray` grid of path length differences [m], and ``dem`` is a :class:`~xarray.DataArray` containing the UTM-projected DEM used to compute the profiles """ # Find UTM CRS of source utm_crs = _estimate_utm_crs(src_lat, src_lon, datum_name='WGS 84') # Get UTM coords for source proj = Transformer.from_crs(utm_crs, utm_crs.geodetic_crs) src_x, src_y = proj.transform(src_lat, src_lon, direction='INVERSE') # Function for pre-processing radii arguments def _process_radius(radius): radius = np.atleast_1d(radius) if radius.size == 1: radius = radius.repeat(2) elif radius.size == 2: pass # We already have a two-element array! else: raise ValueError('x_radius and y_radius each take only one or two values!') return radius # Define [gridline-registered] grid of receiver locations [m] x_radius = _process_radius(x_radius) y_radius = _process_radius(y_radius) xlim = (src_x - x_radius[0], src_x + x_radius[1]) ylim = (src_y - y_radius[0], src_y + y_radius[1]) # Convert gridline registration to pixel registration xvec = np.arange(xlim[0] + spacing / 2, xlim[1] + spacing / 2, spacing) yvec = np.arange(ylim[0] + spacing / 2, ylim[1] + spacing / 2, spacing) yvec = yvec[::-1] # This places the origin at top-left # Convert "receiver" UTM coordinates to lat/lon grid rec_lat, rec_lon = proj.transform(*np.meshgrid(xvec, yvec)) # Call calculate_paths() tic = time.time() ds_list, dem = calculate_paths( src_lat=src_lat, src_lon=src_lon, rec_lat=rec_lat.flatten(), rec_lon=rec_lon.flatten(), dem_file=dem_file, full_output=True, ) toc = time.time() print(f'\nElapsed time = {toc - tic:.0f} s') # Form a nicely-labeled DataArray from grid of path length differences units = dict(units='m') path_length_differences = xr.DataArray( np.reshape([ds.path_length_difference for ds in ds_list], rec_lat.shape).T, coords=[('x', xvec, units), ('y', yvec, units)], name='path_length_difference', attrs=dict(spacing=spacing, **units), ).transpose(), inplace=True) # Export GeoTIFF if requested if output_file is not None: print() _export_geotiff(path_length_differences, filename=output_file) return path_length_differences, dem